Long time no see. I don’t actually greet anyone here (because I don’t really imagine an audience) and I don’t greet people often in real life either.
I started a Twitter/X account and plan on trying to branch out from the quieter spaces I normally do. Honestly, I tend to post a lot of things on my private Facebook account, but I figured it wouldn’t be much different on Twitter. Stronger presence is something I need to work on, anyways.
I’ve decided to do more things with the Youtube channel. I’ve changed my username from “Hopeofdespair” to “Moechiavellian” because it might give a better idea of my own personal apprehensions. The name was chosen for obvious reasons given my tendency towards things of that nature.
For the future, I’ll likely continue working and writing in this blog, but I think videos might be a new interesting medium to work on. I have a few projects in mind with writing, but I think the next few things I might work on is polishing old essays and working them into scripts for videos.
Not sure how in demand the things my works would be, but as long as it’s interesting to produce, all is well.
actual video notes
It’s mentioned in the video itself, but this was a script I had no plans on doing anything with. The anime was devoid of a lot of remarkable qualities but remained unequivocally watchable throughout. So, eventually, the script started to take a different shape the longer I wrote about it.
Quite a decent amount of content is missing since, I too, realize that a lot of it is extraneous and doesn’t help with the overall picture. What’s the picture, you may ask? I don’t know either. I just wrote about various things that lingered in my mind.
But in seriousness, the actual point of the video is to evaluate my place as a viewer, and more importantly, a viewer that aims to find a tangible ideology (and otherwise) to latch onto and work with. The idea is that “popcorn entertainment” lacks in a lot of faculties, but it’s still worth going on a coffee-induced tirade about what may or may not matter all too much. Everything is a mirror.
The final notes are about a few conditions I think a lot of mediums hold to themselves. I had a few projects in relation to those ideas, but I think I have more readings to do before I attempt to dissuade my apprehensions against them.
Although, despite everything, I think the video is a decent glimpse into my thought processes and the seemingly random connections I draw. In a more academic work, I’d have to make the connections more clear than let them remain in the plane of immanence.
And if possible, I would like to speak with my normal cadence. It’s quite hard to have a point while maintaining a conversational tone.
small life update

I’ve been in and out of the hospital for a bit for a few issues I’ve had for a while. Things have been getting better but I am likely working in a different career soon enough. Life takes a toll on you, and I may have overestimated my indomitable human spirit.
Therapy is a scam.
Header: @ahiru_tokotoko
BGM: アタシポンコツアンドロイド
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